Therapy Services at Lifestream Integrative Healing Center

We offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each client's individual needs to help attain the personal growth they’re striving for.  

Contact us to learn more about how these approaches can help enhance your life’s journey.

Trauma and Stress Related Disorders

In our experience at LIHC, traditional talk therapy is beneficial but not always sufficient for working through the effects of trauma. Brain research suggests that trauma is stored in parts of the brain that cannot be accessed verbally. Therefore, it is true that some traumatic experiences have not been "speakable". We believe that the body bears the burden of trauma and that therapy must help the body tell it's story. At LIHC, we do this by helping you:

  • Understand the biological responses to trauma in order to reduce shame and self-blame.

  • Explore where your nervous system "got stuck" trying to process your trauma so that you can move through it more adaptively.

  • Build the skills and resources that you need to live the life you were meant to have.

In our work, we use Somatic Experiencing, EMDR and/or Internal Family Systems to gently unlock old trauma so that it can be reprocessed and find it's rightful place in the past.

Mood and Anxiety Disorders

We, at LIHC, believe that no one should have to live with the debilitating effects of anxiety, depression and other mood-related disorders. Our therapists are trained to:

  • Provide a holistic approach to understanding and treating anxiety, depression and other mood disorders.

  • Teach you skills to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mood disorders.

  • Address the underlying issues that affect anxiety and emotional dysregulation.

Eating Disorders and other Body-Related Issues

At LIHC, we believe that our relationships with our bodies can be deeply affected by the world we live in today. If you feel that your relationship with your body has been negatively impacted by  trauma, social-cultural influences, chronic pain and other body-related issues, then our therapists can help. LIHC can help you:

  • Cultivate a healthier relationship with your body through the use of somatic tools and resources.

  • Address grief, stress, and shame related to your body.

  • Navigate the effects of chronic pain and other medical conditions.

  • Explore general body image-related concerns.  

  • Resolve past trauma and other life events that negatively impacted your relationship with your body.

Our Therapeutic Approaches

Somatic Experiencing (SE)

Somatic Experiencing is a body-centered approach to trauma that is based on the research and clinical work of Dr. Peter Levine. Somatic Experiencing assumes that all individuals have the innate ability to heal from overwhelming events when the right conditions are created. Somatic Experiencing restores physiological and emotional balance and helps individuals feel more alive, balanced and whole.

This work is experiential and is most useful with those who have difficulty regulating their emotions, are unable to feel calm and relaxed and need more effective ways to manage stress. Somatic experiencing helps individuals resolve difficult experiences from the past that are affecting their ability to live life more fully in the present.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic treatment that was originally developed by Francine Shapiro to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. EMDR posits that EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic material through the use of bilateral stimulation to bring it to an adaptive resolution.

After successful treatment with EMDR therapy, emotional distress is reduced, negative trauma-related beliefs are transformed to more adaptive beliefs, and physiological arousal is decreased.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Internal Family Systems is therapeutic model that views psychological symptoms as strategies for self-preservation. Internal Family Systems allows individuals to explore feelings and old behavior patterns with compassion and to tend to vulnerable parts of themselves that have often been neglected and overlooked.

This work is also experiential and can lead to deep healing and resolution of long-standing adaptive behavior patterns.

We’d love to help you take the next step on your life’s journey! Request an appointment to get started today.

Therapy for Trauma, Mood, and Anxiety in Kirkwood, MO and Cleveland, OH | (314) 500-5223